Do I have to replace old motor with a more powerful motor?

05/03/2023 Mike Xu

It is not necessary to have a high start-current for the motor when using spiral cutterheads. While there may be a slightly higher start-current required for the motor with spiral cutterheads compared to old-style cutterheads, less power is required overall during operation.

It is not necessary to have a more powerful motor when using spiral cutterheads. Although these cutterheads feature carbide inserts that maintain constant contact with the material being cut, they actually require less power once in operation because they cut in a staggered manner. Therefore, while there may be a slightly higher start-current required for the motor with spiral cutterheads compared to old-style cutterheads, less power is required overall during operation. Unless your motor is faulty or you want to upgrade it, it is recommended to continue using your old motor.


One of our customers experienced an issue with their thicknesser after installing a spiral cutterhead - it was only able to cut up to 0.5mm. They thoroughly checked the motor, pressure rollers, and other components but couldn't find the root of the problem. Eventually, they discovered that the belt had become sluggish over time and had lost its strength. After replacing the belt, the spiral cutterhead began working perfectly.

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